. Success Secrets: The Importance (and Power) of Desire

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Importance (and Power) of Desire

"To be content with less is sinful."

Everyone wants something. Some want to lose weight, others want to be wealthy. There are those out there who want fame and recognition while other simply want a better relationship with their family. This desire to move beyond and improve our current state is life is good - it is also a very powerful tool.

"You know that I want you, You know that I need you. I want it bad."

In his book, The Science Of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles says of desire, “[i]t is power seeking to manifest…it is Life seeking fuller expression”. It is the nature of Life (being the expression of God) to “increase Life”. It is normal, natural, and supremely good for each of us to want more - more in terms of wealth, health, love, and spiritual connection. Wattles also reminds us that it isn’t enough to simply “want” something. We must truly desire our goal if we are to actually manifest it in our lives. Because if we merely want a thing to manifest in our lives (like wealth or love) but we don’t desire it to the point that it occupies our thoughts for the majority of the day or that we have difficulty focusing upon it, then it will be very difficult to cause that thing to come into being. This is also an indication that, deep down, we really don’t want it.

"Just give me a reason."

In a similar vein Brian Tracy, in his book The Psychology of Selling, gives us a technique that is intended to fortify our desire to manifest our goal. Basically, once you have decided to manifest something in your life you will sit down and create a list of at least 100 reasons why you want to bring into your life. The idea is if one can come with at least 100 reasons they want something they will be virtually unstoppable when it come to obtaining their goal. It is easy to give up on a goal or forget to focus on manifesting something if you only have one or two reasons you want it. However, if you have 100 individual reasons you want to become rich, lose weight, or find the love of your life it will be very difficult for you, psychologically, to give up or forget. Tracy mentions that he has one student that keeps a list of all the reasons he wants to be rich. Every time he sees something he wants he adds it to his list. This individual literally has a few thousand items on his list. Needless to say this individual achieved his goal of getting rich rather quickly and has stayed that way.
I have personally used this exercise to increase my sales of Life Insurance (I’m one of the highest selling individuals in the Southeast) and to improve my real estate investing (which has very quickly become my primary form of residual income). So, I know this technique works.
I’d like to know how it works for you. Please take some time to create your own Desire List and use the comments section to let me know how it worked for you.

LVX. Veritas. Prosperitas.
J. James Skinner

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