. Success Secrets: April 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One of the BIGGEST Reasons People Fail to be Successful:

I was sitting on the floor in my living room next to my three year old son. He was playing with his toys and humming a tune to himself. My wife was sitting near us on the love seat watching an episode of the Office. I just watched them: my beautiful son and my perfect wife. The two people who I love more than anything else in the whole world and who love me just as much. In this moment I was overcome with a profound sense of gratitude. I was (and still am) grateful to The All (God, the One, Allah, YHVH, Dryghten, the Universe ect...) for being blessed with my most important gift - my family. I also remembered all the other things I am grateful for: my health, my freedom, my success with investing, and my home.

I think it is very easy for us to by happy with our gifts - whatever those may be. However, many do not feel or express gratitude towards the source of those gifts. And it is for this reason - this lack of gratitude - that most people fail to manifest those things in their lives that they genuinely desire. This is very unfortunate for being grateful is a very easy task once one takes a moment to reflect upon all their blessings.

If you aren't taking the time out of your day to be grateful and express that gratitude then I highly recommend you take up the practice. Perhaps the easiest method for feeling and expressing gratitude is to pause for a moment (maybe find a quiet place to be alone) and think about all the gifts that have currently manifested in your life, gifts that are in a state of manifesting (waiting on you to receive them), and all the gifts you have received in the past. These need not be physical objects and understand that everyone will have different gifts they will be grateful for - simply find yours. Feel how wonderful it was to receive those gifts that have manifested and be happy for those gifts that are in the process of manifesting (treat them as though you are receiving them right this moment). When you do this correctly the sense of gratitude will swell inside you and you will begin to sense a profound connection with the All.

It is the All that is the source of all your gifts - past, present, and future. The All has a limitless capacity to give you what you want and what you need. All you need to do is to focus your will on those things and be thankful towards the All for them regardless of whether or not they have currently manifested in your life.

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

LVX. Veritas. Prosperitas.
J. James Skinner

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Importance (and Power) of Desire

"To be content with less is sinful."

Everyone wants something. Some want to lose weight, others want to be wealthy. There are those out there who want fame and recognition while other simply want a better relationship with their family. This desire to move beyond and improve our current state is life is good - it is also a very powerful tool.

"You know that I want you, You know that I need you. I want it bad."

In his book, The Science Of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles says of desire, “[i]t is power seeking to manifest…it is Life seeking fuller expression”. It is the nature of Life (being the expression of God) to “increase Life”. It is normal, natural, and supremely good for each of us to want more - more in terms of wealth, health, love, and spiritual connection. Wattles also reminds us that it isn’t enough to simply “want” something. We must truly desire our goal if we are to actually manifest it in our lives. Because if we merely want a thing to manifest in our lives (like wealth or love) but we don’t desire it to the point that it occupies our thoughts for the majority of the day or that we have difficulty focusing upon it, then it will be very difficult to cause that thing to come into being. This is also an indication that, deep down, we really don’t want it.

"Just give me a reason."

In a similar vein Brian Tracy, in his book The Psychology of Selling, gives us a technique that is intended to fortify our desire to manifest our goal. Basically, once you have decided to manifest something in your life you will sit down and create a list of at least 100 reasons why you want to bring into your life. The idea is if one can come with at least 100 reasons they want something they will be virtually unstoppable when it come to obtaining their goal. It is easy to give up on a goal or forget to focus on manifesting something if you only have one or two reasons you want it. However, if you have 100 individual reasons you want to become rich, lose weight, or find the love of your life it will be very difficult for you, psychologically, to give up or forget. Tracy mentions that he has one student that keeps a list of all the reasons he wants to be rich. Every time he sees something he wants he adds it to his list. This individual literally has a few thousand items on his list. Needless to say this individual achieved his goal of getting rich rather quickly and has stayed that way.
I have personally used this exercise to increase my sales of Life Insurance (I’m one of the highest selling individuals in the Southeast) and to improve my real estate investing (which has very quickly become my primary form of residual income). So, I know this technique works.
I’d like to know how it works for you. Please take some time to create your own Desire List and use the comments section to let me know how it worked for you.

LVX. Veritas. Prosperitas.
J. James Skinner

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Proof the Law of Attraction works!

I really want this site to be successful. not only for myself but for others who might be inspired to achieve the same things I (and many others) have achieved through the use of the Law of Atrraction.

Our readership multiplies everyday. We are 200% just from yesterday and over 1000% from the day the site went "live".

Just more proof the that the Law of Attraction works!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Get Rich Article from ProBlogger...

Found this gem while surfing the web:

The Bloggers Guide to Becoming Rich

Really good Stuff. Enjoy.

Afloat in a Sea of Abundance...

(Enjoy this article from our guest author)

By Rebecca Fine

In the days of the mighty sailing ships, when brave souls voyaged into the unknown, dependent on the winds and their as-yet incomplete knowledge of geography and navigation, one of the greatest and most dangerous challenges was to traverse the area known as "the doldrums."

Extending about 30 degrees on either side of the equator, the doldrums are subject to days, weeks, even months of no wind at all. After a long and difficult crossing from Europe to South America, lying becalmed in the doldrums — with no land in sight and with the ship's supply of fresh water dwindling — was a terrible and life-threatening situation.

But history and legend offer us some fascinating insights into the power of our own thinking and belief. Back then no one had yet figured out how to determine longitude, although latitude was easily calculated. So if you could not see recognizable land, you could only know in what band of latitude you currently were. Exactly where you were in that ring around the earth was, at that time, unknowable.

And so it happened that at times a ship would fetch up off the coast of South America, out of sight of shore, fresh water supplies exhausted and death knocking at the door. Then, with what must have been the sweetest sound those sailors could ever have hoped for, the lookout would suddenly call out that a ship was approaching in the distance.

Once the ship was within hailing distance, the cry went up: "Water! Give us water!"

And the reply would come back, "Lower your buckets over the side."

You see, although the sailors didn't know it, they were afloat in a virtual river of drinkable and life-sustaining water flowing from the mouth of the powerful Amazon River, which carries nearly 20 percent of all the earth's runoff water into the sea with such force that the fresh (or brackish but safe) water flows as far as 100 miles out into the Atlantic.

The sailors, dying of thirst, only THOUGHT they were experiencing lack. The REALITY was that they were afloat in a literal sea of abundance. Exactly what they needed was within their reach the whole time, but the APPEARANCE of scarcity and their BELIEF in that appearance threatened to overpower them.

They could have died — and many certainly did — believing in lack while surrounded by abundance.

In his amazing 1910 forgotten classic, The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles writes:

"I have said that people get rich by doing things in a certain way, and in order to do so, people must become able to think in a certain way.

"A person’s way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things.

"To do things in the way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think. This is the first step toward getting rich.

"And to think what you want to think is to think TRUTH, regardless of appearances.

A couple of months ago, my friend TERESA ROMAIN of Access Abundance [ www.accessabundance.com ] wrote in my ezine, The Certain Way, about how Galileo changed the world by looking at things from a new perspective. By dropping the prevailing attitude that the sun revolved around the earth, he was able to see that the opposite was, in fact, the truth.

The key to finding the truth, she noted, was choosing to cast off the old notion and look at the situation anew, through a new lens. Teresa wrote:

"The path that lies before you is one of unlimited abundance. And it begins by SEEING the abundance available all around you.

"As you begin to experience life through the new lens of abundance, you'll find that many of the problems you face today will simply disappear. As for the ones that remain, your relationship to them will have changed profoundly, empowering you to take actions that are congruent with and support abundance."

What old beliefs, what old ways of looking, seeing, and perceiving do YOU need to cast off right now, my friend? If you find yourself "in the doldrums," how can you take a fresh look today and begin to see the abundance that surrounds YOU so that you are empowered — not becalmed and hopeless?

The choice is always available. If you have chosen unwisely before, remember that every moment is new and the great power lies in your ability to CHOOSE AGAIN, no matter the appearances and no matter what it seems everyone else thinks or does.

Teresa says that this choice "is the path that leads, ultimately, to the fulfillment of your dreams." Mr. Wattles says this choice is "the first step toward getting rich."

And, bearing in mind those long-ago sailors, I would add that this choice can be the ultimate choice — for death or for life itself.

That choice, every moment, is yours. Which way do you choose — right now?


Rebecca Fine is the founder of The Science of Getting Rich Network where you can download your free copy of the amazing 1910 forgotten classic,  The Science of Getting Rich. ©2001 Certain Way Productions.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Call To Action:

Success is about control. It is total control (and responsibility) of your life and its circumstances. You have to be in control of your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions in order to be successful.

So many people allow their thoughts and emotions to be controlled by others; family and friends, the music they listen to, politicians, the talking heads on TV and radio, movie stars...the list goes on. For most people their own thinking is done for them. This also means those same people do not act for themselves either - for our thoughts drive our actions.

This type of existance is not for you. It is time to stop handing over your controls to others and take charge of your life. You're the boss! You CREATE your circumstances and YOUR SUCCESS.

Here's the Ultimatum:

If you truly want to be successful you must eliminate those things in your life that are competing for control over your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Turn off the TV and the radio, put down the news paper, and go get some alone time. Once you are alone decide what you TRULY want out of life and on how you will achieve that goal. Now commit to your action plan and don't let anyone or anything get in your way.

It doesn't matter what the news media tells you, what your friends or family say, what the Hollywood morons think -if you want to achieve your goals then, YOU CAN! And nothing can stop up until you allow it to stop you. Resolve to be unstoppable and you will be UNSTOPPABLE.

Now get out there and go for it!!

LVX. Veritas. Prosperitas.

James Skinner

Monday, April 5, 2010

This Site Will Change Your Life...

I'm glad you made it to this site. What I'm going to share here are the TRUE Secrets of obtaining success in all areas of your life: Personal, Financial, and Spiritual.

A large portion of what I will be covering is related to financial well-being and independence. However, I approach this subject from a truly Spiritual standpoint (all faiths should be able to relate) and the Master Keys to Success aren't limited to only attaining one's monetary goals - they can be applied to all aspects of life.

It is my hope that sharing my experiences and insights will help all of you achieve the things you TRULY want most out of life - those things that are your BIRTH RIGHT.

So, please enjoy yourselves, learn and apply as much as possible, and leave comments for discussion.

LVX. Veritas. Prosperitas.

James Skinner